Interdisciplinary Community Engaged Mission.

East Tennessee State University. Speech-Language Pathology

Alexis González

I loved the people and infectious energy and of the country as a whole. All staff, students, and community members were patient with our team and willing to help at any given moment. The Costa Rican culture was by far my favorite part of the experience, professionally and personally. I learned how to communicate effectively and intentionally, although sometimes there was a language barrier. I learned compassion and grace and I also learned how to be flexible. No matter your field, the USP experience teaches you things about your profession, yourself, and an amazing culture that no class, professor, or clinical rotation can dream of. I 100% recommend this experience to anyone that wants to continue growing personally and professionally.

Universidad del Valle, Terapia Ocupacional

juan josé cruz montes

Del país me llevé una muy buena imagen, paisajes muy bonitos, personas maravillosas que nos acogieron y con quienes compartí experiencias no solo a nivel académico, si no también sociales y personales. De la universidad docentes muy dedicados y apasionados por su profesión, que compartieron sus conocimientos y nos brindaron oportunidades de aprendizaje inolvidables. Además, compañeros y colegas que siempre tendré presentes y con quienes pude conocer la cultura, historia, costumbres, hábitos y paisajes de Costa rica y ampliar mis referencias respecto al desarrollo de la profesión en un país diferente al mío. Fueron muchos aprendizajes, dado que fue mi primera experiencia de intercambio a nivel internacional, pude aprender muchísimo sobre mi profesión respecto a los temas que tenía por profundizar, así como conocer nuevas posibilidades en el rol de terapeuta ocupacional. Además, el vivir en otro país, aprender de su cultura, costumbres y adaptarme a las diferencias contextuales. Siempre soñé con tener una experiencia de intercambio internacional y hoy puedo decir que fue la experiencia más grande que he tenido en mi vida académica y personal. Muchas personas no creían que pudiera llegar a realizarlo, pero siempre conté con el apoyo de mi familia y los docentes en mi universidad. Hay muchas oportunidades y posibilidades, abre tu mente y sigue soñando, cuando se trata de metas, objetivos y sueños, todo se puede lograr.

Intercambio Académico

Service Learning Internship.

Ball State University, Occupational therapy

katherine kelley

Everyone was very welcoming. I felt comfortable asking questions and learning through the internship experience. The country itself is beautiful. I can’t wait to come back. The knowledge of occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech pathology gained was incredible. I don’t think i would have learned as much in another setting The experience abroad and with the Santa Paula clinic is unmatched. I’d truly do it again if i could.

University of Central Florida, Speech Therapy

kiara cruz-machuca

Interdisciplinary Community Engaged Mission.   I liked how widespread my experience was. I loved how in just one week I was able to see different cultural aspects of the country and meet some wonderful people along the way. It was truly a beautiful and memorable experience. One in which I would do again in a heartbeat. I learned a lot throughout my experiences in Costa Rica, but if I had to choose one aspect or concept that stood out to me, it would be understanding the saying “pura vida”. I know it is such a short saying but those two words have so much power behind them. They stand for unity, life, helping others, etc. It is those two words that I have carried with me since my experience in Costa Rica, and I have a feeling that I will pass it on to my children, friends, family members, etc. Traveling abroad is much more than just visiting a different country and claiming to be there. It is about understanding the culture, morals, religion, etc. It is about connecting with others who you may have believed to have nothing in common with. It is about being able to learn something and perhaps apply that knowledge to your everyday life. It is about being philanthropic. It is a way of living. One in which will brighten your life in so many ways. One in which will enrich your already acquired knowledge.

Interdisciplinary Community Engaged Mission.

Pasantía – Aprendizaje en Servicio

Institución Universitaria Escuela Nacional del Deporte, Terapia Ocupacional

pedro navarrete moriones

Me gusto la amabilidad de los ticos y del programa académico la capacidad de poner en práctica los conceptos teóricos visto durante mi formación como terapeuta ocupacional. El tener otra perspectiva positiva y enriquecedora acerca de mi carrera profesional y énfasis en deporte. Recomiendo realizar experiencias internacionales en la universidad de santa paula debido a que cuenta con docentes de alta calidad a nivel de Latinoamérica, además su país, cultura y gente son pura vida que te formarán a nivel personal y profesional.